First time having a go with the wood burner, felt pretty odd. Not following any guides and just playing around on wood, definitely seemed like it was going to be so hard to pick up. As you can see on this bit of wood I was going at just for practise, I found it really hard to to seem to do anything good.


Soon I found out that having a set thing to do however made it so much fun, especially for learning. It gave me something to follow and I could learn from how to do work around bits.

My first attempt at wood burning, following a design put on the wood instantly made it easier and I was happy with it, only since going on and doing more obviously I got better and have started to realise the little things. Looking closely at the wood burn, you can see the marks being made are quite scratchy and rough, more work needs to be put in to correct this.

It is kind of hard to see on this bottom picture but with this wood burn I really tried to make it all quite straight, well the burns to be straight as possible. Just like any colouring in, but I felt it really made a difference to the quality of the whole wood burn. By working at it slower and being more patient with it, it has made the burn a lot darker, but I definitely think I am a fan of this, making the contrast even greater.

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